News / Events

News & Announcements

Please attend our regular services.  See "Services" page for details.

Message from SRF center department

We have been closely monitoring the evolving situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus), and are aware of the uncertainty felt by so many worldwide. After much prayerful consideration about what the right course of action should be, we have made the decision to cancel all SRF meditation and inspirational services at our temples, centers, and groups in the US and in other countries where the government has suggested we do so.  We have also cancelled all retreat programs, until further notice.

Those of you who regularly participate in group meditations and spiritual fellowship know the value and positive influence of seeking God together. We encourage you to continue participation in group meditations via our online meditation services by visiting

We are also looking into offering online inspirational events soon and encourage you to check our website for updates on this.

The decision to cancel our services and retreats has been made in compliance with the request of the governor of California and the California Department of Public Health that non-essential gatherings across the state of California should be limited to no more than 250 people, and that smaller events than this should implement social distancing of six feet per person. These cautionary measures are also being requested and implemented in many other states and countries.

We also recommend that you continue to follow universal health guidelines with regards to coronavirus, which can be found on the websites of the Centers for Disease Control at and the World Health Organization at

Paramahansa Yogananda expected us to use practical outer means and commonsense methods to prevent illness, but he also urged us to have a positive attitude and faith in God’s love and protection. That inner attunement felt in meditation and prayer will allow us to reach into the infinite reservoir of God’s healing power to help ourselves and all those who are in need. 

In closing, let us keep in mind these words of our Gurudeva: “Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to God. Have faith in Him…Every night, before you sleep, affirm: ‘The Heavenly Father is with me; I am protected.’ Mentally surround yourself with Spirit and His cosmic energy.”


Please attend our regular services.  See "Services" page for details.



Upcoming events

Please attend our regular services.  See "Services" page for details.

Please attend our regular services.  See "Services" page for details.


Past events

Monks Visit Sep-2016

Monks Visit Spring-2011